Rebecca Sterner is a frequent industry lecturer.
Most of her workshops are on magazine marketing, but she has also helped audiences understand more about circulation finance, managing during tough economic times, circulation analysis, and other wide-ranging circulation topics.
Rebecca can also be hired for customized staff training. She has been hired to help circulation departments become more skilled in newsstand cover design, direct mail creative, list selection, and renewal analysis.
Interview from the 2011 MMPA Summit & Expo:
To keep up-to-date on seminars where Rebecca will be presenting, subscribe to her blog or contact her for customized training.
Upcoming Seminars:
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Recent Workshops:
- From Circulation to Audience Development: More than a Digital Transformation
- How to Sell Gift Subscriptions
- 17 Secrets to Better Newsstand Covers
- Web Toolbox for Magazine Marketers
- Monetizing Content—Successful Publishing Models
- Leading in Tough Times: It’s not just about cutting staff and expenses
- Promotional Copywriting for Amateurs
- 2010 Circulation Benchmarks