What will the new Apple iOS 15 Email Privacy Changes Mean to Your Email Marketing?
In September, Apple will be making changes that mean you will not be able to track open rates on any emails sent to Apple Mail users. If you obsessively track opens in your email campaigns,…
Important Tips for Dealing with new Facebook Privacy Settings
A primer on how magazine publishers should doing Facebook marketing in light of new iOS14 privacy settings.
Finally, magazine scammers face justice
Magazine scammers convicted in Mpls federal court.
This is what a magazine scammer looks like.
Federal Court convicts men from Minnesota and Florida in magazine fraud
Using magazine content to sell subscriptions online
Publishers can use their considerable content resources to entice engagement in the digital world–that later translates into subscription sales
This might be a great time to sell your back issues
Time to take stock of your magazine back issue storage. Here is an example of an email promoting the sale of back issues.
Direct Mail Results in the Pandemic
Clients are calling me to ask about whether they should mail their planned direct mail campaigns. They answer, as always, is . . . it depends. I can report that I personally coordinated 5 direct…
Exit Pops Sell Subscriptions
I love exit pops as a technique to sell subscriptions online. They can be as simple as a text-only message in a box. It’s a low-tech way to interrupt a no decision from a potential…
Join an Online Community of Digital Marketers
I’ve watched Eric Shanfelt, one of my favorite digital experts, work his magic for several of my clients. The president and founder of Nearview Media just announced that he is starting an online community for…