Use Instagram to sell products.
If you have “eye candy” images that appeal to Instagram audiences, test selling via Instagram. A good primer can be found at Vertical Response
Value of diverse media
Pictures are essential in social media posts. Visual images and video greatly increases interaction.
Email opt-ins on Facebook
Ask for emails opt-ins on your Facebook site. Some publishers report better luck doing that than gathering email opt-ins on their own website. Some claim those Facebook opt-ins have a 70% higher open and click…
Customer Service Response to Social Media
Give responsibility (and training, of course!) to your customer service folks to handle any complaints and comments needing a response that come through your social media channels. Give them the responsibility for replying to questions,…
Rules and Tools for Facebook Contests
If you are a little late to the game, like I am, you may not have noticed that Facebook changed their contest rules. If you’ve been thinking about running a contest on your Facebook page,…
Social Sites for Your Events
Be sure to set up unique Facebook or LinkedIn sites for the events you host – don’t just make them part of your publication sites.
Facebook Subscription Sales
See Rider Magazine’s subscription ad on their Facebook page. Unlike many other magazines that require 3 clicks just to get to their order page, with Rider the order impulse can be satisfied with one click.