It seemed real simple, but it turned into a customer service slapstick comedy
Yesterday, the subzero trek to the mailbox yielded a nice surprise — one of my favorite magazines, Real Simple. But wait, there’s more! There were actually THREE copies of Real Simple. The name and address…
Time Magazine Senior Citizen Direct Mail Piece
When I first receive any direct mail piece, I take a professional interest in it. I like to see how other marketers put together their analytic and creative powers together to sell magazines and other…
Email opt-ins on Facebook
Ask for emails opt-ins on your Facebook site. Some publishers report better luck doing that than gathering email opt-ins on their own website. Some claim those Facebook opt-ins have a 70% higher open and click…
Is Your Email Signature Getting You Listed as a Spammer?
Using email signatures that use live links to websites (like inserting a logo that points to a website) can cause email servers to think you are a spammer. When you set up a signature, make…
Smart Membership Card from American Diabetes Association
Membership cards are often one of those “high-value, low-cost” membership benefits. American Diabetes Association has taken the membership card into the 21st century and made it a much more valuable benefit. They send professional members…
What’s in YOUR marketing database record? Now you can find out!
If you use appended lists or certain selections on marketing databases, you’ve probably wondered where some of the information comes from. And, if you’ve ever received a piece of mail that seemed off-target, you probably…
Direct Mail Outer Envelope Test Idea
Overheard at the CDS Global Summit earlier this week… Putting your offer on your direct mail outer envelope can increase response. Folks from Meredith and Minneapolis-St. Paul magazines revealed that outer envelopes with off copy…
The Economist Promotes Print, Digital Options in Donor Renewals
The Economist is one of the most successful magazines when it comes to promoting digital subscriptions. And here’s a good example of how well they lay out their print and digital and combo offers. Some…
Automatic Promotion to Convert E-Newsletter Sign-ups to Magazine Subscribers
It’s amazing how small the overlap between e-newsletter subscribers and magazine subscribers can be. So it makes sense to try to get both groups to subscribe to both! Boating Industry sends a subscription promotion automatically…